
Kewe: Empower the Creatives

Client: Kewe. Kewe is a fast and intuitive application that unifies the features of all your favorite social network platforms into one place. Kewe makes it easier to do the things we love, with the people we enjoy.

Challenge: Kewe enlisted BASIC to concept and create an introduction video that could later be used for a TV commercial. The challenge was to tell their story and highlight all of the recognizable ‘social’ features in a way that was unique and engaging.

Medium: TV / Video

Capability: Copywriting

Role: As Senior Copywriter, I was responsible for coming up with messaging guidelines for the brand as well as a 90-second script for their launch video.

Click on the expand button in the lower right-hand corner to watch the video in full-screen.

Full Credits:

Agency: BASIC

Executive Creative Director: Matt Faulk

Senior Designer: Erwin Hines

Creative Strategist: Andrew Yanoscik

Director, Video Production Artist: Garrett Marks