Microsoft Windows

Microsoft Windows: Be What’s Next

Client: Microsoft Windows

Challenge: Create a pitch deck detailing the content strategy, mobile app experience, prototypes and transition plan for Microsoft Windows and the Windows Developer Network.

Medium: Mobile and Retail.

Capability: Copywriting, Copyediting, Creative Direction, Proofreading.

Role: As Proofreader on the Microsoft pitch, I was responsible for proofreading, editing and copywriting all of the copy in this deck.

Confidentiality: Unfortunately for legal reasons, all of my creative samples for this project are proprietary and can’t be published. They are password-protected and available for temporary review upon request.

Full Credits:

Company: Microsoft Windows

Creative Director: Josh Combs.

Associate Copy Director/Writer: Brett Glass.

Designers:Osamu Akatsu.

Project Director/Delivery: Allia Burley.