MOGL: Mogl Gives Back

Client: MOGL.

Challenge: MOGL came to BASIC in need of a brand revitalization. They needed brand research, positioning, identity and a comprehensive strategy that would allow them to grow from a regional company and a relatively small cause to a nationally-recognized brand that was leading efforts in their industry.

Medium: Print, Web

Capability: Research, Branding, Copywriting

Role: As Senior Copywriter, I was responsible for research, developing the brand messaging, including identity, positioning, a tagline, strategy guidelines and preliminary applications of that brand messaging. Additionally, I was responsible for re-writing all of the copy for their website.

Click on any of the images to zoom-in and view the samples.

Full Credits:

Agency: BASIC

Executive Creative Director: Matt Faulk

Creative Director: Erich Broesel

Creative Strategist: Andrew Yanoscik

Senior Designer: Erwin Hines

Junior Designer: Arthur Armenta

The entire presentation deck as well as the design, branding and marketing examples and concepts were produced and designed by Matt Faulk and Erich Broesel.